︎︎︎Eric W Mast

︎︎︎Light Paintings

︎︎︎Works On Paper
︎︎︎Works On Canvas


︎︎︎Instagram ︎

Whipped Cream & Other Delights

Eric W Mast at Dreem Street (2023)
Oil on canvas.

Some More Light Pieces

Eric W Mast at Brackett Creek Editions NYC (2021)
Light Paintings and Screen print.
Website ︎︎︎ ︎

Shrimp Cocktail For Two

Eric Mast and Evan Mast at Brackett Creek Exhibitions (2020)
Light paintings and video installation.

Website ︎︎︎ ︎

Dreem Street 19

Alustretch Los Angeles Presents Matthew Chambers & Eric W Mast (2019)
Paintings, retail installation, and dance party collab with Spoiler Room.
Website ︎︎︎ ︎

Sensory Gymnastics

Radames “Juni” Figueroa, Eric Mast, Harry Smith at Disjecta (2017)
2 channel Video installation.
Website ︎︎︎ ︎

No Context...

Eric W Mast at Ditch Projects (2015)
Paintings and screen prints.
Website ︎︎︎ ︎